When we see this picture..what we will think??
Yea~Graduate...I had just fully graduate for my diploma =)
And this graduate ceremony is the only time for all of us to meet each other again =)

This is the pregrautation cenemory...It was bored actually >.<...I just listen my mp3 and talking with my friends...others do that so...no one was listening "the man"(I don't know what should I called him) talking @.@...

This is the actual day of the graduation xD...Everyone was wearing the graduation's suits and the cap as well...everyone was serious...the feel and environment was totally different then the previous day~ xD
it was fun, because first time I get to wear it =P...

This bear is from my dad for my diploma graduation~ =) love it!! thanks dad ^^
Time past...
We getting older...
We getting more mature...
We had face more problem..
And at the same time, more problem came to us...
We have to stay strong and face it so that we can continue living...
This is life xD
The next graduation will be for my degree...xD
Still have few more years to wait for it >.<