When we say about seremban...1st things we think is FOOD!! yummy :P
Went to seremban with few best friends of my^^ happy trip~
SerembanFirst station, expensive chicken rice shop @@ although is nice...but too expensive already @@
Just a simple dish...cause us rm50 plus plus ==...
expensive chicken rice @@ somewhere is seremban town area~
expensive chicken @@After eating,straight to green box seremban 2~ xD sing k~
jay chou <3
ham sap heng..haha xDBad things happen during sing k, fall sick T^T
But...still eating after sing k xD
eat porridge~(mix pork intestine porridge >.< )
i didn't eat those intestine so i just eat the porridge haha...

porridge~yummy ^^
Last station, "burn crab station"...yummy~but can see can't eat T^T cause ill T^T
dong fen~
Before we back, go to siew bao shop xD but unfortunately~no more T^T
sad, can't buy back~
haha having fun with u all...hope to keep in touch with you all in the future <3
go more interesting place!!and eat more nice food...opps!!
need to on diet dy >.< fat dy keep eating @@