Happy Wesak day!~
What is wesak?
Wesak, also spelt Vesak, is a day celebrated by Buddhists around the world. The termVesak came from the name of a month in the Indian calendar. This is one of the most important festivals in the Buddhist calendar as it commemorates three significant events in Gautama Buddha’s life namely his birthday, enlightenment and his passing away.
I think most of the chinese celebrating Wesak Day...
If you guys didn't celebrate Wesak Day in Melaka...Can have a try :D
The first place I go,
Siang Ling~
Here are some picture in Siang Ling~
Bathing the Buddha...
Some unique drink( i don't even know what's the name although i drink it for years =X)
it is tasteless when you drink it, after that you can feel the sweetness on your throat!! sound miracle right? XD
This picture is call us to appreciate every FOOD in your life~
So many people waiting for the food~
You guys can try the food there...Taste quite nice and lots of variety~
The second place is Seck Kia Eenh Temple~
This year they used purple and pink for the decoration...
the Monk help us the tight the "string" and bless us~
The main door of Seck Kia Eenh temple~
A huge tree that grow a unique flower(forgotten what is the flower name =X)
And 7 angels stay around the tree (this is what I heard from a unknown man ><)
This happen on last year, while my friend and I was praying, suddenly a man come and teach us how to pray and told us some story about this temple~
It was kinda interesting~ :)
So, hope you guys enjoy and have a nice day~ :)