Cha a bit I sit wrong bus to muar...luckily got people check the ticket...if not...I might be in muar eating otak right now...XD
2.30pm bus finally arrive...I fast fast go up bus and sit...cause headache come and find le...
Tanya khabar for so long still dun wanna go...@.@
So I see my ticket number and sit the place without noticing something on top me was licking...
The bus is licking...banyak air liur sampai tak pack of tissue is to clean of those air liur...@.@
pif...make my file also shirt all wet too...
So when reach Alor Gajah...I fast fast change places...mana tau...

Licking again...but more worst then just now...
until the chair also wet...aiks...
Why the bus one air liur so much...can stop dripping or not...I am wet althought the weather is so hot...@.@
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