This week is a tiring week...fever haven fully recover and lecturer give us lots of homework and assignment...and the weather is always changed...from sunny to raining... from raining to thunder...these had make me become "drop wet chicken" for a few days...
Monday...although i am SICK...but i still eat Mc Donal with my friends because the "tang shui pu"(is a shop that sell Chinese food in terminal 1) didn't open today...
well...i think you know what do they sell in Mc Donal ya....burger...nugget...and...

yea~happy meal...still remember when we small...(mummy...mummy I want one!!!)

and now...I ate this for my lunch...Happy liao will feel happy...XD...
and inside still free a toy...

madagascar's giraffe (melman)...cute huh? still can talk lagi...when you shake it...XD
After eating that Happy Meal...i really get more "happy"...fever getting sort my dinner was sleeping until midnight...
Tuesday...lecturer call us to go don't know what Deparaya...maybe is Hari Raya mix with Depavali's celebration...but...why don't have Chinese New Year celebration???they should put that i feel like go bit...but I also attend although I don't feel like attend it...because the hall was full of people...and I still have to stand and watch the whole celebrate...sien...

see...full of people...and I got to stand behind...
I am short OK???how am I going to see????go away!!!!let my stand in front!!!
these is the design made from some Indian student using coconut...and it smell "nice"....

font look...
oh ya...just remember...before and me plan to had our lunch before attending the celebration...and we met one of our lecturer in terminal 1...end up...we had to teman our lecturer to look phone until we don't have the chance to eat our lunch...T.T

we had a packet of mamee for our lunch...because we know...we wont get any food in the celebration although they prepared food...because there are many
hungry ghost appetizer in PTPL...and always some of the student...including me...will didn't get any food...just can see them enjoy their food...T.T
and...of course...assignment will not less in my daily become one part of my daily life...although I am ill...but I still need to finish it up till late night...


doing assignment halfway...feel sien...XD

do assignment until feel the light so beautiful...

part of my
Wednesday,Thursday...assignment and normal daily life and sleeping for dinner...
Friday...back to melaka...and ONLINE!!!!but need to find my assignment stuff...and got little time to chat and blog...=)