Then we when to eat tangkerak mee in tangkerak of course for our lunch with my dad...
tangkerak mee...nice~~
Then after that...we went to mp to have some shopping...
Many activities having there before Christmas...sales everywhere!!!
having show for all the datuk datuk and VIP!!!
Then we went to Nadeje's cake a Japanese cake shop...
the menu...
original flavour...
can you see the layer of the cake???made form egg...XD
green tea flavour...
random picture...
a big bottle of beer...want to try???XD
Then about 6 we went to wok and pan for dinner...
Wok and pan business time...
we called pok cutlet...
nice ma??only RM9.00 for whole plate...
After dinner...we went for a movie in dataran...we watch...007...
Dataran cinema is more bigger then mp's
I think even bigger then MBO gua~~not sure...XD
The movie was nice...don't know why Yon Ken(my cousin) say not nice at all...and yun as well...haha
After that...we went for shopping...then I saw this...
After shopping we walk back to my grandmother's house and go back home...
Next week is my test1...but until now...still can go main haven start studying yet...I really prepare to F my paper lo...@@
eh...all those shops and wok & pan places is all in mp ka?? wah outdate sia
not in outside mp...near the new newton there...there got lots food stall...u can try go explore explore...XD
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