-Actually plan to go library study at 10, end up go at 12.
-Actually plan to go for the Ah niu's event, end up didn't go because my housemate don't wanted to go and i don't feel like going alone. Sien going alone >.<.
-Then, change plan to library. Plan to continue study.
I started to headache at 6 plus. Keep on and off. When I eat with my friends, I make myself seems like nothing, haha. Really hard to do so xD.
- I feel myself can't stand anymore and walk back home. My whole body feel cold for no reason. My head just like letting a big stone keep hitting. I went home and sleep. Plan to wake up at 11 and study.
-11pm wake up and study for awhile and headache again =.=" feel like plucking out my head.
-12am housemate suddenly called us out for Mc D because one of my housemate's birthday.
-After back from Mc D, headache become more serious. =.="
2day, headache haven fully recover!!! I ate panadol and it just wont works. Hope my headache recover soon. Tomorrow exam!!! Wish everything will be fine. Please god, give me some power to study for my exam tomorrow. Thanks.
Take care and Good Luck for the exam...
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