Is this a plant???

Banana monster...XD

sheep cauliflower with three leg lagi...=X

lolx...this is a mouse or a kiwi???see this picture I also scare to eat kiwi le...
Now lets see some sexy picture...=X
sexy ler...haha... "xian mu" oh...=X
others picture...

lolx...a crocodile with human leg???wat the...

is this the way how a mother treat a child???=X

can u see wat is behind the guy...XD

i just realise that an insects also got their war time...XD

don't look down on frog...frog also know how to tatu themselves...

now adays...not only human know how to use telephone...a cat also know how to use telephone...see the cat tengah sms with his...

wah...titanic...i jump you jump...aiya...the bird jump on me 1st...=X

lets see today which head I wan to wear ar???

wow...a human smaller then a nail...I hope I got one to help me do my art nail...=X

this toilet looks great...I hope I got one...=X

Is it really blowing??

this baby seem like likes beer very much...XD

hey...don't look at me...i will paiseh one de ma...XD

the cloud also know how to show middle finger to you...

what are you talking???say louder...

dolphin island...I hope I can go there for a holiday...weeeeeee

i think this is really happen...if not mistaken...=X

omg...what are they doing...@_@

mother and me...izzit look the same...XD

oh my so...beautiful...

the boy is...

yea!!is time to change hair style...=X
I just put some of it in I hope you all will like it...^^
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