1st shop we saw was a shop near the food court..so we walk inside and ask...
my friend: Good afternoon, we are from XX school and we have a carnival need to find sponser to help us because our financial is not enough...
shop keeper: You all punya carnival why will all mesti donate money to you all??you all cant use you all own money meh?( keep on continue saying @#$%)
my friend just have to say okok nevermind then still need to thanks them and walk out of the stall...After my friend walked out...the shop keeper still continue scolding....>.<(very long winded...macam ah mak...@_@)
Later on we go to other shop...
Shop keeper 1: My boss not in...
Shop keeper 2: My boss out station...
Shop keeper 3: My boss busy right now...
and so on....
Why all boss like to get busy themselves on Friday??
and why no one say their boss drop into the toilet bowl???that will be more easy for them to give all sort of excuses??why don't they just tell us that they don't want to donate then solve all the problem??
But not all shops is so "kiam siap"...got one shop donate us Rm30.00...altought is only Rm30.00 but we are very happy...XD...thanks to the shop...
After finding most of the shop in Bukit Beruang, we decided to go to my x working places...A factory...
we go in a wrong time...they all are totally busy meeting at that time...so I find one of my colleague and talk since she was free...She said she was going to get married...congratulation to her...
Her wedding card...nice??
It is fall on 12 July...I think I can attend...XD
After that we sit down and wait for almost one an hour plus...some of my colleague come out from the meeting room...
Surprise they still remember me...I thought they had forgotten me...So gan dong oh...XD...After talking awhile...then they still had to attend another meeting...so we have to go...
p/s: If you need some one donation and you been walk a lot of stall and all the shop keeper don't want to help you...what will you feel???now i know how it feels le...
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