Miss wangsa badly after I came back to cyber.
After I came back to cyber I feel cyber have NOTHING!! NOTHING AT ALL compare to wangsa except more trees compare to wangsa =X
1st things I miss wangsa lot~ is its FOOD!!
Lots lots more of delicious food in wangsa compare to cyber T^T
Cow cow Kaw kaw burger~
2nd things that I missed in wangsa is VIEW!!
Wangsa have beautiful scenery which cyber doesn't have...all you can see in cyber is TREES @@
After I came back to cyber I feel cyber have NOTHING!! NOTHING AT ALL compare to wangsa except more trees compare to wangsa =X
1st things I miss wangsa lot~ is its FOOD!!
Lots lots more of delicious food in wangsa compare to cyber T^T
Kaw kaw burger don't know what the stick for @@
Tadaaa...ok I know it looks ugly...but it really taste great!! :D
2nd things that I missed in wangsa is VIEW!!
Wangsa have beautiful scenery which cyber doesn't have...all you can see in cyber is TREES @@
wangsa view~ KLCC!! I missed it >.< cousin and friends : jakun!!
bird in wangsa!! Crow~
sunset in wangsa <3 edit="edit" haven="haven" yet="yet">3>
bird nest in wangsa LOL!! took it for fun >.<
night view in wangsa :D KLCC again~ I LOVE ZOOM LENS <3 nbsp="nbsp">3>
Lastly what I missed wangsa lot is a cozy room~**forgotten to took picture** and a person that makes me feel I have a older sister suddenly...missburungkakakTUA :D
Yea~she is my cousin... although we sometimes quarrel, fight, misunderstood...but yet she still treat me good...well you know when human getting older...thinking will change too...change into more mature??hmm...maybe??
Yet I learned lots things from her too...:D
Wish I could go wangsa again...
bluek~~~ :P

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