
The story goes on and on......

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Halloween ~

What you guys do during Halloween?
The original date is 31 OCT but most of the people celebrate earlier...
Actually Halloween is a ghost festival for western country? (I don't really know what Halloween is really about =X)

Found some awesome make up that some people had made during Halloween...

by google.com

by google.com

by google.com

Saw some of my friends who did some make up for Halloween too...**p/s : I didn't save their pictures...**
Some of them having house party!! Horrey!! some of them go clubbing...
** cricket sound**
stay at home...seeing the bright MOON shine...

By the way...here are some little things that I done while I am staying home doing nothing...

The darkness have come...muahahaha

Happy Halloween :)
Does anyone knock your door??
**knock knock** candy please?? xD


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